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Shipping & returns

Shipping costs and delivery conditions

If you have any questions about shipping and returns, please contact us.


The shipping costs are added to the stated product prices. You can find out more about the amount of shipping costs during the ordering process.

delivery terms

Unless otherwise agreed, delivery will be made by GW Cosmetics GmbH to the address given by the customer. Shipping is only possible within the EU.

If delivery or compliance with an agreed delivery time becomes impossible because the goods cannot be delivered or are not available, GW is entitled to withdraw from the contract in whole or in part. GW will notify the customer of this immediately. Claims for damages are not permissible in this case. The customer will be informed about existing delivery restrictions before the start of the ordering process. The customer is entitled to withdraw from the contract if the delivery does not take place within 18 working days. The withdrawal must be made in the same form as a withdrawal according to these terms and conditions.


More detailed information on shipping & returns can be found in the FAQ .